Keyword definition

In this section we will focus in more depth on what are the keywords available to design each of the sections that themselves define the GNN, and how to use them. More specifically, we will cover the keywords for each of the following sections.

For more specific details regarding the operations and source entity objects available, please check the sections Source entity object and Operation objects

Step 1: Entity definition

In order to create the entities, we must define a list of “entities”. For this, we must define an object “Entity”. We shall now describe the different keywords that the user must / can define to model the new entity, these being:

Parameter: name

Description: Name that we assign to the new entity. This name is important as we will use it from now on to reference the nodes that belong to this entity.

Accepted values: String of the choice of the user.

E.g., below we show how we would define an entity of name entity1.

name: entity1

Parameter: state_dim

Description: Dimension of the hidden states of the nodes of this entity.

Accepted values: Natural number

state_dim: 32

Parameter: initial_state

Description: Array of Operation object defining incrementally the initial_state.

Accepted values: Array of Operation objects.

Step 2: Message-passing phase

Now we define the keywords that the user can use to design the message passing phase of the present GNN. To do so, we will cover the following keywords:

Parameter: num_iterations

Description: Number of times that all the stages must be repeated (iteration of the message passing phase).

Accepted values: Natural number (Normally between 3 and 8)

num_iterations: 8

Parameter: stages

Description: Stages define the array of stage objects which ultimately define all the parts of the message passing.

Accepted values: Array of [Stage objects](#stage, each of which represents a time-step of the algorithm.


To define a stage, we must define all the single message passing that take place during that stage (a given time-step of the algorithm). This is to define all the single message-passing which defines how potentially many entities send messages to a destination entity.

Parameter: stage_message_passings

Description: Contains the single message-passings (the process of one entity nodes sending messages to another one), which we assign to this stage (time-step of the algorithm)

Accepted values: Array of Single message-passing objects.

Single message-passing:

This object defines how the nodes of potentially many entity types send messages simultaneously to the nodes of a given destination entity. To do so, we must define the following parameters:

Parameter: source_entities

Description: Array of the source entities sending messages to the destination entity (defined before) in this single message-passing. This is, all these sending entities will send messages simultaneously to the defined destination entity.

Accepted values: Array of Source entity objects.

Parameter: destination_entity

Description: Name of the destination entity of this single message-passing. In other words, the entity nodes receiving the messages.

Accepted values: String. It must match the name of an entity previously defined (see entity name).

destination_entity: my_dst_entity

Parameter: aggregation

Description: Defines the aggregation function, which will take as input all the messages received by each of the destination nodes respectively, and aggregates them together into a single representation. Note that, to define potentially very complex function, we define this as a pipeline of aggregation operations

Accepted values: Array of Aggregation operation.

Parameter: update

Description: Defines the update function. This function will be applied to each of the destination nodes, and given the aggregated input and the current hidden state, will produce the updated hidden state.

Accepted values: Update operation.

Step 3: Readout

Just as for the case of the message function, the readout function can potentially be very complex. For this, we follow a similar approach. We define the readout as a pipeline of Operation object which shall allow us to define very complex functions. Again, each of the operations will keep the field output_name indicating the name with which we can reference/use the result of this operation in successive operations.

The main particularity for the definition of the readout is that in one of the operations (normally the last one), will have to include the name of the output_label that we aim to predict. To do so, include the keyword presented below as a property of the last Operation of your readout function (the output of which will be used as the output of the GNN).

Another important consideration is that in this case, the user can use entity1_initial_state as part of the input of an operation (where entity1 can be replaced for any entity name of the model). With this, the operation will take as input the initial hidden states that were initialized at the beginning of the execution, and thus, before the message-passing phase.

Parameter: output_label

Description: Name referencing the labels that we want to predict, which must be defined in the dataset.

Allowed values: Array of strings. The names should match the labels specified in the dataset.

Let us see this with a brief example of a simple readout function based on two Neural Network operations. In this case, we apply two neural networks which are initially to each of the nodes of type entity1. Then, the output is concatenated together with each of the nodes of type entity2 (as long that there is the same number of nodes of each entity) and then applied to the second neural network my_network2. Note that the last operation includes the definition of my_label, which is the name of the label found in the dataset. To specify this label, we write $my_label so as to indicate that this keyword refers to data that IGNNITION can find in the corresponding dataset.

- type: neural_network
  input: [entity1]
  nn_name: my_network1
  output_label: output1
- type: neural_network
  input: [output1, entity2]
  nn_name: my_network2
  output_label: [$my_label]

Notice, however, that output_label may contain more than one label. For instance, consider the case in which we want that the readout function predicts two properties of a node, namely label1 and label2. For simplicity, let us consider these labels to be single values –even though the same procedure applies when they represent 1-d arrays. For this, we make the following adaptations of the previous model:

- type: neural_network
  input: [entity1]
  nn_name: my_network1
  output_label: output1
- type: neural_network
  input: [output1, entity2]
  nn_name: my_network2
  output_label: [$label1, $label2]

In this case, hence, my_network2 will output two predictions, one for each of the target labels. Then, IGNNITION will internally process this and backpropagate accordingly, so as to force the GNN to learn to predict both properties, simultaneously.

Source entity object

This object ultimately defines how the nodes of a source entity send nodes to the destination entity. This definition also includes the message function which will specify how this source entity forms its messages. To define this object, we must specify the following parameters:

Parameter: name

Description: Name of the source entity.

Accepted values: String. It must match the name of an entity defined previously.

name: source1

Parameter: message

Description: Message function which defines how the source entity nodes form the messages to be sent to the destination entity.

Accepted values: Message function

Message function object:

One of the most important aspects when defining a message passing between a source entity and a destination entity is to specify how the source entities form their messages. To do so, and to support very complex functions, we devise a pipeline of operations, which will be specified in Operation object. An operation performs some calculation and then returns a reference to its output. By doing so, we can concatenate operations, by referencing previous results to obtain increasingly more complicated results. Note that the messages will be, by default, the result of the last operation.

Take a look at the subsection (Operation objects to find the operations accepted for this section). We, however, introduce a new specific Operation which can be especially useful to define a message function, which is the Direct_assignment operation.

Operation: Direct_assignment

This operation simply assigns the source hidden states as the message to be sent. By using it, hence, each source node will use its hidden state as the message to be sent to each of its neighbor destination node.

type: direct_assignment
Usage example:

Let us put all of this together to see an example of how to define a source_entity in which nodes of type entity1 send their hidden states to the corresponding destination nodes.

- name: entity1
     - type: direct_assignment

But as mentioned before, we might want to form more complicated message functions. Below we show more complicated examples using two Neural Network operation, and which illustrate the power of the pipeline of operations. In this pipeline, we can observe that we first define a neural network that takes as input the source entity nodes (using the keyword source). Then we save the input by the name a my_output1 and we reuse it as input of the second neural network altogether with each of the destination nodes respectively. The output of this neural network (for each of the edges of the graph) will be the message that the source node will send to the destination node.

- name: entity1
     - type: neural_network
       input: [source]
       output_name: my_output1
     - type: neural_network
       input: [my_output1, destination]

An important note is that for the definition of neural networks in the message function, IGNNITION reserves the use of source and target keywords. These keywords are used to reference the source hidden states of the entity (in this case entity1), and to reference the destination hidden states of the target node.

Aggregation operation:

This object defines the aggregation function a. This is to define a function that given the k input messages of a given destination node (m_1, …, m_k), it produces a single aggregated message for each of the destination nodes.

\[AggregatedMessage = a(m_1, ..., m_k)\]

For this, we provide several keywords that reference the most common aggregated functions used in state-of-art GNNs, which should be specified as follows:

     - type: sum/min/max/ordered/...

Below we provide more details on each of these possible aggregation functions, these being:

Option 1: sum

This operation aggregates together all the input messages into a single message by summing the messages together.

\[AggregatedMessage_j = \sum_{i \in N(j)} m_i\]


\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}m_1 = [1,2,3]\\m_2 = [2,3,4]\\AggregatedMessage_j = [3,5,7]\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

In IGNNITION, this operation would be represented as:

    - type: sum

Option 2: mean

This operation aggregates together all the input messages into a single message by averaging all the messages together.

\[AggregatedMessage_j = \frac{1}{deg(j)} \sum_{i \in N(j)} m_i\]


\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}m_1 = [1,2,3]\\m_2 = [2,3,4]\\AggregatedMessage_j = [1.5,2.5,3.5]\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

In IGNNITION, this operation would be defined as:

    - type: mean

Option 3: min

This operation aggregates together all the input messages into a single message by computing the minimum over all the received messages.

    - type: min

Option 4: max

This operation aggregates together all the input messages into a single message by computing the maximum over all the received messages.

    - type: max

Option 5: ordered

This operation produces an aggregated message which consists of an array of all the input messages. This aggregation is intended to be used with an RNN update function. Then, the RNN automatically updates the hidden state by first treating the first message, then the second message, all the way to the k-th message.

\[AggregatedMessage_j = (m_1|| ... ||m_k)\]
    - type: ordered

Option 6: attention

This operation performs the attention mechanism described in the paper Graph Attention Networks. Hence, given a set of input messages (m_1, …, m_k), it produces a set of k weights (a_1, …, a_k). Then, it performs a weighted sum to end up producing a single aggregated message.

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}e_{ij} = \alpha(W * h_i, W * h_j)\\\alpha_{ij} = softmax_j(e_{ij})\\AggregatedMessage_j = \sum_{i \in N(j)} m_i * alpha_{ij}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]
    - type: attention

Option 7: edge-attention

This aggregation function performs the edge-attention mechanism, described in the paper Edge Attention-based Multi-Relational Graph Convolutional Networks. This is based on a variation of the previous “attention” strategy, where we follow a different approach to produce the weights (a_1, …, a_k). We end up, similarly, producing the aggregated message through a weighted sum of the input messages and the computed weights.

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}e_{ij} = f(m_i, m_j)\\AggregatedMessage_j = \sum_{i \in N(j)} e_{ij} * m_i\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Notice that this aggregation requires a neural network e that will compute an attention weight for each of the neighbors of a given destination node, respectively. Consequently, in this case, we need to include a new parameter nn_name , as defined in nn_name. In this field, we must include the name of the NN, which we define later on (as done for any NN). In this case, however, remember that this NN must return a single value, in other words, the number of units of the last layer of the network must be 1. This is because we want to obtain a single value that will represent the weight for each of the edges respectively.

    - type: edge_attention
      nn_name: my_network

Option 8: convolution

This aggregation function performs the very popular convolution mechanism, described in paper Semi-supervised classification with Graph Convolutional Networks. Again, we aim to find a set of weights (a_1, …, a_k) for the k input messages of a given destination node. In this case, it follows the formulation below.

\[AggregatedMessage_j = \sum_{i \in N(j)} \frac{1}{\sqrt{deg_i * deg_j}} * h_i * W\]
    - type: convolution

Option 9: concat

This aggregation function is especially thought for the cases in which we have a list of messages sent from messages of entity type “entity1” and a list of messages from nodes of entity type “entity2”. Then, this aggregation function will concatenate together these two lists by the axis indicated in the following field “concat_axis”. Then, similarly than with the “ordered” function, we would pass this to an RNN, which will update itself iteratively with all the messages received.

Parameter: concat_axis

Description: Axis to use for the concatenation.

Accepted values: 1 or 2

Given the two lists of messages:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}M_{entity_1} = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]\\M_{entity_2} = [[4,5,6],[1,2,3]]\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

If concat_axis = 1, we will get a new message

\[AggregatedMessage_j = [[1,2,3,4,5,6], [4,5,6,1,2,3]]\]

If concat_axis = 2, we will get a new message

\[AggregatedMessage_j = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6],[4,5,6],[1,2,3]])\]
    - type: concat
    - concat_axis: 1

Option 10: interleave

Description: This aggregation concatenates both messages by interleaving them.

Given the two lists of messages:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}M_{entity_1} = [1,2,3]\\M_{entity_2} = [4,5,6]\\AggregatedMessage_j = [1,4,2,5,3,6]\end{aligned}\end{align} \]
    - type: interleave

Option 11: neural_network

Description: So far we have looked at examples where the aggregated function is defined with a single operation (e.g., max, min, mean…). On some occasions, however, we must build more complicated functions. This operation, thus, allows us to take the results of previous operations and pass them through a NN to compute a new value.

Accepted values: Neural network operation

Example of use: In this case, we need to include the parameter output_name at the end of each of the operations that preceded the neural network. This will store each of the results of the operations, which we will then reference in the neural network operation. Let us see this with an example

    - type: max
      output_name: max_value
    - type: min
      output_name: min_value
    - type: attention
      output_name: attention_value
    - type: neural_network
      input: [max_value, min_value, attention_value]
      nn_name: aggregation_function

In this example, we compute the max value, the min, and the result of applying the attention to the messages received by each of the destination nodes, respectively. Then, the neural network takes as input the results of each of the previous operations and computes the final aggregated message, used for the update.

Update operation:

In order to define the update function, we must specify a Neural Network. Note that the syntax will be the same no matter if the NN is a feed-forward or an RNN. To define it, we must only specify two fields: which are the type and the nn_name.

Parameter: type

Description: This parameter indicates the type of update function to be used Accepted values: Right now the only accepted keyword is neural_network. We will soon however include new keywords.

Parameter: nn_name

Description: Name of the Neural Network to be used for the update.

Accepted values: String. The name should match a NN created in Step 4

Below we present an example of how an update function can be defined. Note that in this case, the update will be using the NN named my_neural_network, and which architecture must be later defined.

    type: neural_network
    nn_name: my_neural_network

Operation objects

We now review the different options of Operations that IGNNITION allows, and which can be used in many of the parts of the GNN (e.g., message function, update function, readout function…). All these possible operations are:

Operation 1: product

This operation will perform the product of two different inputs. Let us go through the different parameters that we can tune to customize this operation.

Parameter: input

Description: Defines the set of inputs to be fed to this operation.

Allowed values: Array of two strings, defining the two inputs of the product operation.

Notice that if a string from the input references a feature from the dataset, the name must always be preceded by a # symbol. This will indicate IGNNITION that such keyword references a value present in the dataset.

Parameter: output_name

Description: Defines the name by which we can reference the output of this operation if successive operations.

Allowed values: String

Parameter: type_product

Description: Defines the type of product that we use (e.g., element-wise, matrix multiplication, dot-product)

Allowed values: [dot_product, element_wise, matrix_mult]

Let us explain in more detail what each of the following keywords stands for:

Option 1: dot_product

Description: Computes the dot product between two inputs a and b. Note that if the inputs are two arrays a = (a_1, a_2, … , a_k) and b = (b_1, ,b_2, … , b_k), then the dot product is applied to a_i and b_i respectively.

Allowed values: String. Name of an entity or output of a previous operation.

Below we show an example of a readout function that first computes the dot_product between nodes of type entity1 and entity2, respectively. Then, the result of each of these operations is passed to a Neural Network that computes the prediction.

- type: product
  type_product: dot_product
  input: [entity1, entity2]
  nn_name: my_network1
  output_label: output1
- type: neural_network
  input: [output1, entity2]
  nn_name: my_network2
  output_label: [$my_label]

Option 2: element_wise

Description: Computes the element-wise multiplication between two inputs a and b. Note that if the inputs are two arrays a = (a_1, a_2, … , a_k) and b = (b_1, ,b_2, … , b_k), then the element-wise multiplication is applied to a_i and b_i respectively.

Allowed values: String. Name of an entity or output of a previous operation.

Below we show an example of a readout function that first computes the element_wise multiplication between nodes of type entity1 and entity2, respectively. Then, the result of each of these operations are passed to a Neural Network that computes the prediction.

- type: product
  type_product: dot_product
  input: [entity1, entity2]
  nn_name: my_network1
  output_label: output1
- type: neural_network
  input: [output1, entity2]
  nn_name: my_network2
  output_label: [$my_label]

Option 3: matrix_mult

Description: Computes the matrix multiplication between two inputs a and b. Note that if the inputs are two arrays a = (a_1, a_2, … , a_k) and b = (b_1, ,b_2, … , b_k), then the matrix multiplication is applied to a_i and b_i respectively.

Allowed values: String. Name of an entity or output of a previous operation.

Below we show an example of a readout function that first computes the dot_product between nodes of type entity1 and entity2, respectively. Then, the result of each of these operations is passed to a Neural Network that computes the prediction.

Operation 2: neural_network

Similar to the neural_network operations used in the message or update function, we just need to reference the neural network to be used, and provide a name for the output. Then, given some input (\(a\)) and a neural network that we define (\(f\)), this operation performs the following:

\[output\_name = f(a)\]

Below we show a code-snipped of what a neural_network operation would look like, and we present afterward each of its possible options. This neural network takes as input all the states of the nodes of type entity1, and pass them (separately) to our NN named my_network. Finally, it stores the results of these operations in my_output.

- type: neural_network
  input: [entity1]
  nn_name: my_network
  output_name: my_output

We can now review in more depth each of its available parameters:

Parameter: input

Description: Defines the set of inputs to be fed to this operation. Allowed values: Array of strings. If this neural network is part of the readout, you can use entity1_initial_state to reference the initial values of the hidden states of entity1. Note that entity1 can be replaced for any entity name of the model.

An important consideration is that all the strings in the input that reference a feature –that is present in the dataset– must be proceeded by a # symbol. This will indicate IGNNITION that such keyword references a value from the dataset.

Parameter: nn_name

Description: Name of the neural network (\(f\)), which shall then be used to define its actual architecture in Step 4.

Allowed values: String. This name should match the one from one of the neural networks defined.

Parameter: output_name

Description: Defines the name by which we can reference the output of this operation, to be then used in successive operations.

Allowed values: String

An example of the use of this operation is the following message function (based on a pipe-line of two different operations):

- type: neural_network
  input: [entity1]
  nn_name: my_network1
  output_name: my_output

- type: neural_network
  input: [my_output]
  nn_name: my_network2

With this, hence, we apply two successive neural networks, which is just proof of some of the powerful operations that we can define.

Operation 3: pooling

The use of this operation is key to make global predictions (over the whole graph) instead of node predictions. This allows to take a set of input (\(a_1, ..., a_k\)) and a defined function (\(g\)), to obtain a single resulting output. This is:

\[output\_name = g(a_1, ..., a_k)\]

For this, we must define, as usual, the output_name field, where we specify the name for the output of this operation. Additionally, we must specify which function (g) we want to use. Let us see how this operation would look like if used to define a readout function to make global predictions over a graph. In this example, we again define a pipeline of operations, first of all by pooling all the nodes of type entity1 together into a single representation (which is stored in my_output. Then we define a neural network operation that takes as input this pooled representation and applies it to a NN which aims to predict our label my_label.

- type: pooling
  type_pooling: sum/mean/max
  input: [entity1]
  output_name: my_output

- type: neural_network
  input: [my_output]
  nn_name: readout_model
  output_label: [$my_label]

Again, we now present the new keyword that is characteristic of this specific operation:

Parameter: type_pooling:

Description: This field defines the pooling operation that we want to use to reduce a set of inputs (a_1, … , a_k) to a single resulting output.

Allowed values: Below we define the several values that this field type_pooling can take:

Let us now explain in depth each of the possible types of pooling that IGNNITION currently supports:

Option 1: sum

This operation takes the whole set of inputs \((a_1, ..., a_k)\), and sums them all together.

\[output\_name = \sum_{n=1}^{n=k} a_n\]
- type: pooling
  type_pooling: sum
  input: [entity1]

Option 2: max

This operation takes the whole set of inputs \((a_1, ..., a_k)\), and outputs its max.

\[output\_name = \max(a_1, ... , a_k))\]
- type: pooling
  type_pooling: max
  input: [entity1]

Option 3: mean

This operation takes the whole set of inputs \((a_1, ..., a_k)\), and calculates their average.

\[output\_name = \frac{1}{k} \sum_{n=1}^{n=k} a_n\]
- type: pooling
  type_pooling: mean
  input: [entity1]